Dance Party at UCSC


Santa Cruz, CA – Around 10:15pm, a dance party began in Porter college at UCSC.

10:50pm: Now about 60 people.  Party has moved onto the small stage in Porter Quad.

11:20pm: Party has moved into Kresge classroom 327. Occupation is on!

11:25pm: Numbers increased to 100+.

11:40pm: Party has moved back outside.  Chanting “March 4th!”

12:10am: Party has crossed a bridge, past Sciences, to Colleges 9 & 10.  Passed a bus, and at the next stop a dozen people on the bus joined the dance party!

12:35am: The party has moved into Humanities 2.

12:42am: Now 250+ people.


UCSC is divided into ten colleges, all of them paired with another.

The dance party started small in the Porter quad, and after swelling to about 50-60 people, it moved through the college and into the next college, Kresge. There it made a stop inside an empty classroom for a while. The roving dance party made its way around Kresge college collecting more dancers and made its way to the other side of campus (going over a bridge, and up Science Hill). At college 9/10, more students joined, and for a while the party actually made its way through the first floor of a dormitory. They then descended down the street and into the Humanities area of campus, and entering the Humanities 2 building. After leaving the building, the party continued into Cowell college through a central building, and out into a courtyard where the party grew larger. Finally, the group made its way down the hill into the Quarry Plaza (where the Graduate Student Commons resides). The party raged on well after 2am, and then dispersed as quickly as it started.

Through out the evening, multiple buildings were temporarily seized and vacated with ease–leaving only a trail of fading music.

7 Responses to “Dance Party at UCSC”

  1. Direct Action Claremont Says:

    WOO HOO!

  2. Dance Party at UCS « The New School Reoccupied Says:

    […] 27, 2010 Description of a pre-March 4th Pep Rally in Santa Cruz from OccupyCA… this follows the administration sending judicial summonses to 45 campus activists and […]

  3. Riot erupts at UC Berkeley over tuition hikes, budget cuts – Dark Politricks Says:

    […] After the discovery of the noose, students organized by several Web sites, including Reclaim UC, occupied UC Berkeley’s Durant hall as a show of solidarity to San Diego students facing escalated racial tensions over the noose incident. The next step in the protests was to be a series of dance parties in the streets, which resulted in several occupied buildings at UC Santa Cruz, according to the blog Occupy California. […]

  4. Destruction of America’s Education:” Riot erupts at UC Berkeley over tuition hikes, budget cuts “ « Hiram's 1555 Blog Says:

    […] After the discovery of the noose, students organized by several Web sites, including Reclaim UC, occupied UC Berkeley’s Durant hall as a show of solidarity to San Diego students facing escalated racial tensions over the noose incident. The next step in the protests was to be a series of dance parties in the streets, which resulted in several occupied buildings at UC Santa Cruz, according to the blog Occupy California. […]

  5. Riot erupts at UC Berkeley over tuition hikes, budget cuts Says:

    […] After the discovery of the noose, students organized by several Web sites, including Reclaim UC, occupied UC Berkeley’s Durant hall as a show of solidarity to San Diego students facing escalated racial tensions over the noose incident. The next step in the protests was to be a series of dance parties in the streets, which resulted in several occupied buildings at UC Santa Cruz, according to the blog Occupy California. […]

  6. Riots Break Out at UC Berkeley Over Tuition Increases, Budget Cuts « naked capitalism Says:

    […] of dance parties to show solidarity being organized at other UC campuses to show support. The blog Occupy California claimed the dance parties were followed by the occupation of several university buildings t UC Santa […]

  7. Riots Break Out at UC Berkeley Over Tuition Increases, Budget Cuts | Fuck Bankers Says:

    […] of dance parties to show solidarity being organized at other UC campuses to show support. The blog Occupy California claimed the dance parties were followed by the occupation of several university buildings t UC Santa […]

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