Consolidated Demands


The focus of negotiation will be these seven points:

I. Total amnesty for all individuals involved in current and past student protest concerning budget cuts, including Brian Glasscock & Olivia Egan-Rudolph

II. Keep all resource centers open under the management of individual directors: Engaging Education, Women’s Resource Center, Ethnic Resource Center, CANTU, etc.

III. Making UCSC a safe campus by protecting all undocumented (AB540) students and workers through non-cooperation with ICE.

IV. Renege the 15% cut in labor time for UCSC custodians

V. Prohibit rent in Family Student Housing from exceeding that of operating costs in order to keep it affordable.

VI. Freeze on layoffs to all campus employees.

VII. Guaranteed funding through employment or free remissions for both graduate students who have lost TAships and undergraduate students who have lost work-study positions

5 Responses to “Consolidated Demands”

  1. Two Days After the Regents’ Vote, UC Fee Protests Go On « Student Activism Says:

    […] Berkeley wasn’t the only campus where Friday saw ongoing protests. At UC Santa Cruz, a student occupation of two buildings on campus — Kerr Hall and Kresge Town Hall — continued. Administrators cut off internet access to Kerr on Friday evening, but the occupation remained in effect overnight. In an effort to spur negotiations, activists trimmed their original 35-point list of demands to just seven. […]

  2. Cat Says:

    Would someone please put me on an email list so I can come and help the next time UCSC students are going to occupy a building? I am a former UCSC student who is currently unemployed. I would love to help the protesters. Please put my email address on some kind of contact list. Thank you!

  3. Ongoing Student Protests and Building Occupations at UC Santa Cruz « Student Activism Says:

    […] 35-point list of demands, but on Friday they trimmed that back to a more moderate — and shorter — […]

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I’m confused – this new set of demands doesn’t even mention the tuition hikes. I mean, they’re more achievable goals than the first set, but I thought the tuition hike was the main motivator.

    • spaceattack Says:

      the truth is that the tuition hikes are beyond the ucsc admin’s reach and the point had already been made. the demands being negotiated over were for the occupation to end. it was decided to cut down to a number of realistic goals that could be achieved a lot more easily (some of them with a single phone call). instead, the university responded with a bunch of vague bullshit on one hand, an army of riot police on the other. over and over again they asked us to trust them, and over and over they’ve shown that they can’t be trusted. this is why we escalate.

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