UCSC Strike Committee Issues Demands



As adopted by the UCSC Strike Committee, April 28, 2010

  • Repeal the 32% fee increase of 2009-10.  No future fee increases.
  • Rescind all cuts to departments, instructors, and workers.  No future cuts.

Restore full funding to Community Studies.  Rescind layoffs to field coordinators.  Rescind suspension of the major.

Rescind layoffs for instructors in LALS and other departments and programs.

Restore full funding to Language instruction.  Rescind layoffs of language instructors.

Restore funding for faculty hires in History of Consciousness and in all other departments that have had searches cancelled.

Restore all TAships that have been cut in 2009-10.

Repeal/rescind ALL furloughs, layoffs, START time, and/or reductions in classification for ALL workers.

  • Expand access for all California students, with particular attention to low-income students, undocumented students, and underrepresented minorities.

No tuition or fees to attend the University of California.

Support the DREAM Act allowing financial aid for AB540 students.

Restore affirmative action in UC admissions.

Expand retention efforts on all campuses.

  • Make quality of education the top priority at the UC.

Restore full funding to campus libraries.  Allocate sufficient additional funding to restore open hours to the levels of 2000-01.

Reduce class and section sizes across the board.

No outsourcing of grading or instruction.

Wage increases for all instructors and workers above cost-of-living.

  • Reject recommendations of the UC Commission on the Future that will limit access, harm instructional quality, or privatize the university.

Fight to re-establish UC financial aid eligibility for undocumented California high school graduates.

Reject recommendations to adopt a multi-year fee increase schedule, differential tuition, online instruction, three-year degrees, and to increase out-of-state enrollment.

  • Drop all charges against student activists on all campuses.

Revise student judicial procedures to allow full constitutional rights for students, including but not limited to due process rights, rights of evidence, and rights to hearings.

End police/staff surveillance of students, workers, and activists.

Investigate Student Judicial Affairs, the UC Santa Cruz Police Department, and Student Affairs to determine whether student and worker rights have been violated during the 2009-10 campaign of repression.  Discipline any employees who have violated such rights.

  • Institute full student, worker, and faculty control of the University of California.

Abolish the UC Regents.

All administrative positions to be selected democratically by students, workers, and faculty.

EVC/Campus Provost position will remain permanently vacant.

Institute salary cap for all UC employees.

Fire Mark G. Yudof for cause: betrayal of the mission of the University of California.

8 Responses to “UCSC Strike Committee Issues Demands”

  1. UCSC Student Says:

    Too radical, too long. Good effort! But will this be read and seriously considered?

    Important: They will only listen to us if we communicate to them with the same tone of authority that they communicate in.

    Love peace solidarity keep working.

  2. Kava Says:

    We have to find SOLUTIONS. We can’t just make a list of demands without any kind of method that will actually allow it to happen. We create the world we live in, let’s work together to make it possible.

    These demands seem to me to be utterly unrealistic. Not just the UC system, but the entire state is making huge cutbacks in spending. If the money is not there we cannot spend expand our spending even more, although we’d all love to have these things.

    I mean, really, budget cuts suck. Across the board, no one like to have to make the decisions of what stays and what goes. But SOMETHING must be cut. And keeping the provost position open and even downsizing a lot of administration open won’t exactly fill a 350 million dollar budget gap if you know what I mean.

    Why don’t the people organize and start their own private university where they can define the budget goals themselves? Perhaps in times of economic hardship then you can choose to cut the administration, have the democratically elected officials work for free, whatever YOU think best. And if you find yourself with 350 million dollars less in funding, and then find a way to actually raise your ability to give even more financial aid, give raises to faculty and staff, AND keep all of your programs, please let Greece know. They too could use some money from a magic hat.

    I fully support most of these suggestions. But if even one brick is thrown my support (and I expect the support of the majority of the student body) for this movement will dissipate, because violence only creates more problems. These are currently demands that could not possibly be met, but with compromising, working together, and continuing discussion and brainstorming we could actually come closer to the world we dream to live in.

  3. greg Says:

    also, a big ass pizza party for all student activists

  4. ucsc person Says:

    They’ve already announced that the furloughs for campus employees will be ended on August 31st.

  5. Their Clutter, Our Future (Occupy California) « chtodelat news Says:

    […] that isn’t enough to inspire you, then read their posts about the UCSC Strike Committee’s demands,  the May Day party in Santa Cruz, the ongoing occupation at Middlesex University, and the […]

  6. news roundup 10 May 2010 « National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts Says:

    […] Students in occupation in Puerto Rico Puerto Rican occupiers injured by police Strikes planned in California Students go on hunger strike at UC Berkeley Protestors in Greece try to storm […]

  7. news roundup 10 May 2010 : National Campaign against Fees and Cuts Says:

    […] Students in occupation in Puerto Rico Puerto Rican occupiers injured by police Strikes planned in California Students go on hunger strike at UC Berkeley Protestors in Greece try to storm parliament *BREAKING […]

  8. UCSC Undergrad Says:

    These are some awesome (and lofty) goals. But… how would you propose the University fund the solutions? We (the University, the State, the citizens, etc.) are completely broke, and you’re asking them to stop cutting back AND take less money in. I know the people behind the strike committee are all very smart people, so you must have thought of this… so share your ideas! How do you propose they pay for all of this?

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