Occupy Napa Valley College


from indybay:

Students from Napa Valley College intend to occupy their college quad via a camp out. The campout will be a demonstration against the budget cuts to education that have resulted in increased tuition, cut classes, teacher layoffs, and even the closure of high schools. These budget cuts are due to the economic recession we are in which is a product of capitalism.

This campout and occupation will also be solidarity with the students from UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley, at CSU Fullerton and CSU Fresno that have held similar demonstration. The imaginary committee stated that “A movement of occupations has been building.” http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/11/14/18628664.php.

We recognize the trend and seek to continue it! The campout starts November 30 in the quad at the Napa Valley College located at 2277 Napa Vallejo Hwy! We intend to occupy until the semester ends.

Feel free to join us November 30! We encourage everyone to organize similar demonstrations and their own campuses! Let’s empower ourselves! Let’s keep the momentum going!

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